Monday, September 28, 2015

Candy Crush Crushing your Android

A report by IT security firm ESET, said: "Cybercriminals have been using popular mobile gaming apps including versions of Plants vs Zombies, Candy Crush and Super Hero Adventure to deliver a backdoor Trojan directly onto victim’s devices via the official Google Play store. ESET detects the mobile gaming apps that install the Trojan as Android/TrojanDropper.Mapin and the Trojan itself as Android/Mapin. This malware is capable of taking control of a victim’s device and making it part of a botnet under an attacker’s control." It can then push notifications, display ads and launch apps. "Android users in India are currently the most affected, with 73.58 per cent of these detections observed", said security site WeLiveSecurity. 

 The virus requests device administrator rights and is capable of pushing various notifications, downloading, installing and launching applications, and obtaining the user’s private information, but its main purpose appears to be to display full-screen advertisements on the infected device.

"Android users in India are currently the most affected, with 73.58 per cent of these detections observed", said security site WeLiveSecurity.

The virus requests device administrator rights and is capable of pushing various notifications, downloading, installing and launching applications, and obtaining the user’s private information, but its main purpose appears to be to display full-screen advertisements on the infected device, ESET said in a report.

The virus pretends to be a Google Play Update or an app named Manage Settings and takes 2-3 days to get activated after being downloaded, which prevents detection from Google’s Bouncer malware prevention system, according to ESET.
Although the number of users having solid anti-malware apps installed on their smartphones and tablets is growing in India, the number of malware created for smartphones is growing at a much faster pace. All these infected games are still available for download from Android market places other than Google Play and have been downloaded thousands of times

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